
Epoch Times Article of the GCF Event By Journalist Annie Wang, September 18, 2018
Non-Profits to Use Shipping Containers for Showers for the Homeless

[ Click Here to download a PDF copy of this GCF Presentation given at the event ]

[ Click Here to download a PDF copy of this GCF Presentation given at the event ]

Or Email: Global Community Foundations

The Global Community Foundations (GCF) would like to thank its awesome staff who put this event together in record time (about two and a half weeks). And, GCF would also like to thank the great speakers we had at the event, the artists who had provided us all with the wonderful entertainment, and to all those who were able to attend with such short notice, we say "THANK YOU ALL!"...

GCF is planning to begin a regular series of either monthly or bi-monthly public forums/mixers in which we would like to invite GCF Team Members, public officials, business leaders, the general public, and members of the media to attend where we will be providing regular updates as to the progress of the development of GCF and our projects, soliciting thoughts and ideas as we move forward, and providing an environment where people can network for helping people, make new friendships and business relationships.

In addition, the Global Community Foundations will be hosting an exhibition at the Anaheim Convention Center April 26-27-28, 2019 along with We Care for Humanity [ WCH ] which will be hosting a unique international awards event and gala for the top humanitarians of North America in its series of similar events hosted around the World known as the Global Order of Dignitaries (& Philanthropists) or known as the [ G.O.D. Awards ] for short. We will be announcing to the public more as we refine the details of this cooperative and exciting event.

[ Click Here to download a PDF copy of the original GCF Press Release ]

The registration booth as the first stop for the event.

The gracious ladies who provided for the warm welcoming and for the attendee signups. When later asked about the event and how they were doing, they declared that they were "tired but having fun!". From right to left; Ms. Nguyen Thi Hang from San Mateo, CA, her sister in town from Kansas City, KS, and Ms. Long Thi Dong from Indianapolis, IN.

Mr. Paul Taylor of Golden State Coalition and Mr. Nan Su from Epoch Times signing up for the event.

From left to right; Brothers Nguyen Ngoc 'Sonny' Quang and Nguyen Trung Son, Co-owners of the Four Leaves Cafe chain chatting with Mr. Hamilton Lewis, Global Cycles Research and GCF Capital Market Advisor before the start of the event.

Dr. Joshua Duong, Founder of Global Missions Vision, one of GCF's Partner Organizations, and he is also Executive Vice President of GCF MC'd the event.

Mr. John Gorla, GCF Planning Advisor begins the GCF presentation to the public for the first time.

Mr. Paul Moreland of GCF's Partner Organization, Homeless 2 Home, and GCF's Community Outreach Advisor and Field Representative describes what it is like to work with and relate to the homeless people every day on the streets of the City of Los Angeles.

Ms. Lori Atwater of GCF's Partner Organization, Transformation Village and GCF Advisor discusses the TV project to build innovative low-income mixed-use housing projects to help address the housing shortage in Southern California for low-income families.

Mr. Steve Jones, Mayor of the City of Garden Grove speaks about the homeless issues facing GG and overall in Orange County and his support for the efforts and mission of GCF.

Ms. Virginia Vaughn, Mayor of the City of Buena Park discusses the homeless issues facing BP and Orange County in general and her support for organizations such as GCF that offer innovative solutions to address the problems of homelessness.

Ms. Arielle Duave, of Arielle's show on Global TV and GCF Team Member, describes the start of GCF and GCF's mission.

Mr. Hamilton Lewis, President of Global Cycles Research and GCF Capital Markets Advisor discusses financial market analysis, and how we employ his resourcing strategies to help people relate to the market and how his expertise can help fund the GCF's projects.

Princess Dr. Maria Amor, Founder & Chairwoman of We Care for Humanity and GCF's Director of International Public Relations and Coordination speaks to the attendees about her organization and working with GCF.

The Honorable Rev. Thich Minh Tuyen, Chairman of the Ming family, Director of the Church of the Buddhist Society, and Director of the Vietnam National Council of Nations speaks of his support for peace, and praises the efforts of GCF in its mission to help the homeless as well as stateless people around the World.

As a close friend of GCF along with his wife, Dr. Usha Shah, Dr. Jay Shah expresses his support for GCF's efforts to help the homeless.

Mr. Paul Taylor, Founder of the Golden State Coalition talks about the growing problem of homelessness, particularly here in 'The Golden State of California' and his organization's support for GCF's mission.

Rev. Nguyen Cong Chinh, Chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Peoples Council of Vietnam speaks of his experiences as a prisoner of conscience in Vietnam and of his support for GCF's mission. Pastor Nguyen said, that despite the weather being an obstacle due to a big storm in his hometown, he made what seemed to be a slow flight for hours as he still decided to attend the launch of the Global Community Foundations for the goals of this new organisation. He also praised the selflessness of God and is very close to the Council of Ethnic Minorities and religions of Vietnam.

Judge Steven Bailey, Candidate for California Attorney General and member of the Golden State Coalition addresses the crowd about the challenges facing California and his support for the efforts of GCF to help the homeless.

Mr. Burton Brink, Candidate for California State Assembly District 49 and member of the Golden State Coalition also speaks about the challenges California faces, and how efforts such as the GCF approach will help find solutions to address the homeless situation.

Mr. Ricardo Benitez, Candidate for California State Assembly District 39 and member of the Golden State Coalition speaks about the problems he sees in his district reagrding the growing problems of homelessness and related issues that we need to find solutions for.

Dr. Chanh Huu 'Tony' Nguyen, Founder & Chairman of GCF discusses how he came about to start the organization to fulfill his mission of helping people here in America, his native Vietnam, and people in need of health, freedom and prosperity around the World.

Mr. Paul Taylor, Founder Golden State Coalition sits with Rev. Nguyen Cong Chinh, Chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Peoples Council of Vietnam.

Front row from left to right; Mr. John Gorla, his wife Jeanne, Princess Maria Amor, Honorable Rev. Thich Minh Tuyen, and Dr. Tony Nguyen.

Mr. Cao Thong of GCF served as a backup MC for the event.

First row from center to right; Mr. Ira Johnson of Homeless 2 Home, Mr. Paul Kim of Hancock and GCF Team Member, Princess Maria Amor of We Care for Humanity and GCF Director of International Public Relations, Mr. Sita Ram Ola of Jet Serve Aviation PVT.LTD., Second row center to right; Mr. Douglas Gibbs of the Constitution Association, and Mr. Paul Taylor, Founder of the Golden State Coalition.

Mr. John Gorla of GCF and Mr. Ken Winters of the reRubber Company begin a demonstration of the fire retardant coating that will be used on the container structures.

Mr. John Gorla and Mr. Ken Winters showing the demonstration of the fire retardant coating.

Display of one of the vans from the Empire Health Systems used for Mobile Medical Diagnostics and bringing Tele-Health to people in need.

Another view of the van and Mr. Cao Thong and the group outside viewing and discussing the purpose of Mobile Medical Diagnostics.

Showing the inside of the van and one of the pieces of equipment used in Mobile Medical Diagnostics.

The first shipping container to begin developing the prototype for the construction of the Mobile Shower Units.

Princess Dr. Maria Amor and group inspecting the progress made on the construction of the first Mobile Shower Unit.

Inside look at the initial construction of the first Mobile Shower Unit.

A closer look at the sinks inside the first Mobile Shower Unit.

Princess Dr. Maria Amor expresses her admiration of Rev. Nguyen Cong Chinh for the fight that he is engaged in for human rights and regarding his long imprisonment at the hands of human rights abusers. Rev. Nguyen Cong Chinh is Chairman of the Ethnic and Religious Peoples Council of Vietnam.

Artists contribute with their hearts to the organizers and attendees through the cultural repertoire of traditional Vietnamese songs. From right to left; Vu Hung, Xuan Thanh, and Lan Huong.

The GCF Team holding up their team t-shirts. From left to right; Mr. Hiep Nguyen, Mr. Raphael Briscoe, Mr. Johnie Drawn, Dr. Tony Nguyen, Mr. Francis O'Brien, Mr. Paul Moreland, Mr. John Gorla, Mr. Hamilton Lewis, and Dr. Joshua Duong.

The GCF Team and supporters group picture. From left to right; Dr. Joshua Duong, Mr. Burton Brink, Mr. Paul Taylor, Mr. Francis O'Brien, Ms. Lori Atwater, Mr. Paul Moreland, Princess Dr. Maria Amor, Mr. Paul Kim, (unidentified next to him), GG Mayor Steve Jones, Ms. Tolani Adewole, Mr. Hamilton Lewis, Mr. Sita Ram Ola, Dr. Jay Shah, Mr. John Gorla, Ms. Arielle Duave, and BP Mayor Virginia Vaughn.

Mr. Buton Brink, Candidate for California State Assembly District 49 gets his photo taken with Dr. Tony Nguyen, Founder and Chairman of GCF.

Mr. John Gola speaks with Mr. Hiep Nguyen and Mr. Paul Taylor, Founder of the Golden State Coalition.

Mr. & Ms. Ken & Debbie Winters, Mr. & Ms. John & Jeanne Gorla, Ms. Tolani Adewole, Mr. Hamilton Lewis, and Mr. Francis O'Brien, Founder of GCF Partner Organization TIB Foundation and GCF Planning Advisor, share a conversation after the event.

...Then they all also share a photo together. From left to right; Mr. Hamilton Lewis of GCF, Ms. & Mr. Debbie & Ken Winters of reRubber, Ms. Tolani Adewole, Mr. Francis O'Brien of GCF, Ms. Jeanne and Mr. John Gorla of GCF.

Mr. Lan Vu of Pho Bolsa TV interviews Dr. Tony Nguyen, Founder & Chairman of GCF and Secretary General of the Union of Peoples of Vietnam on his opinion on a number of issues that are occurring in the community and the current situation in the South China Sea as well as on the programs he plans for the GCF.

Dr. Tony Nguyen, Founder & Chairman of GCF is interviewed by Mr. Nan Su, Senior Correspondent for the Epoch Times.

Dr. Tony Nguyen is interviewed by a reporter from TV Half-ring Earth.

Princess Dr. Maria Amor of We care for Humanity being interviewed by the same reporter from TV Half-ring Earth.

The Honorable Rev. Thich Minh Tuyen being interviewed by Mr. Lan Vu of Pho Bolsa TV.

Mr. Paul Taylor, Founder of the Golden State Coalition being interviewed by Mr. Nan Su, Senior Correspondent for the Epoch Times.

Judge Steven Bailey, Candidation for California Attorney General and Member of the Golden State Coalition is being interviewed by Mr. Nan Su, Senior Correspondent for the Epoch Times.

Mr. Paul Tayor speaking with Ms. Annie Wang, Journalist with NTD Global TV Network and Mr. Hiep Nguyen of GCF.

Mr. Paul Taylor is interviewed by Ms. Annie Wang, Journalist with NTD, the Global TV Network of the Epoch Times.

Princess Dr. maria Amor is interviewed by Ms. Annie Wang, Journalist with NTD Global Network.

Mr. Hiep Nguyen of GCF being interviewed by reporter from TV Half-ring Earth.

Mr. Nguyen Van Don, a senior member of the Vietnamese National Union, Colonel (Ret.) ARVN and Chief of Staff Vietnamese Alliance being interviewed by Mr. Lan Vu of Pho Bolsa TV.

Princess Dr. Maria Amor and Mr. Paul Moreland share a moment and a photograph together.

Epoch Times Article of the GCF Event By Journalist Annie Wang, September 18, 2018
Non-Profits to Use Shipping Containers for Showers for the Homeless



GMTC is to provide mobile health and medical care services to those in need who do not have ready access to established health and medical facilities. These units will create the beginning of a local-global network of professional doctors and health-care providers that will give ready access through the World-Wide Web to diagnose and treat at risk populations from various urban to remote locations around the world.

Two school busses that will be converted into the first Mobile Tele-Care Units.

One of two RVs that will be converted into larger Mobile Tele-Care Units.

A recreational trailer rig that will be converted into a mobile laundry facility for the homeless.

A COMPENDIUM OF ARTICLES ADDRESSING THE ISSUES OF HOMELESSNESS (To help us to understand the issues more fully):

Sep 27, 2018
Los Angeles Times
Gov. Brown signs bill cracking down on L.A. 'veto' for homeless housing

Sep 17, 2018
Los Angeles Times
What's the endgame for Eric Garcetti's homeless shelters?

Sep 14, 2018
Los Angeles Times
Making homelessness a crime is no way for Los Angeles to fix its crisis

Sep 11, 2018
Orange County Register
Governor signs bill that allows creation of Orange County trust to help house homeless people

Sep 6, 2018
Los Angeles Times
Essential California: L.A. launches a temporary homeless shelter plan

Sep 4, 2018
Los Angeles Times
Essential California: The uneven road to housing for the homeless

Sep 3, 2018
Los Angeles Times
L.A. council members make uneven progress on homeless housing

Aug 31, 2018
Orange County Register
Proposal for larger homeless shelter in Santa Ana closes eventful month on homeless issues in Orange County

Aug 25, 2018
Orange County Register

California Assembly Bill 448 is a tool that mitigates homelessness

Aug 16, 2018

The Billion Dollar Homeless Scam - The more we spend, the worse it gets.

Aug 14, 2018
Los Angeles Times
L.A. County to expand mobile shower program for homeless people

Aug 3, 2018
Orange County Register
Orange County must shelter 1,550 homeless people, judge says

Jul 19, 2018
Orange County Register
New online tool allows LA County residents to access homeless ‘outreach’ services

Jul 4, 2018
Orange County Register
California’s homelessness crisis threatens tourism

Jun 19, 2018
Orange County Register
Rising costs threaten millions with ‘housing instability,’ Harvard report says

May 31, 2018
Orange County Register
Local leaders, NIMBY residents to blame for homeless housing scarcity, Orange County Grand Jury says

May 16, 2018
Orange County Register
Riverside, the only city in California to solve veteran homelessness, is on a mission to go bigger

May 16, 2018
Orange County Register
Southern California needs nearly 1 million affordable homes, report says

May 1, 2018
Orange County Register
California cities should work together on homeless issues

Apr 25, 2018
Orange County Register
LA County’s homeless need more than housing to stay off the streets, report says

Apr 19, 2018
Los Angeles Times
State audit calls for more funding and statewide agency to address nation's worst homelessness problem

Apr 18, 2018
Orange County Register
Map: Nonprofit proposes potential sites for homeless shelters in south Orange County

Apr 14, 2018
Los Angeles Times
'Tiny homes' in backyards — finally, an innovative solution to homelessness in L.A.

Apr 10, 2018
Orange County Register
Mayors of California’s 10 biggest cities – including Anaheim and Santa Ana – to ask state for $1.5 billion for homeless issues

Apr 04, 2018
Orange County Register
What’s happened to the Santa Ana River homeless people since their motel stays expired?

Apr 04, 2018
Orange County Register
Santa Ana leaders say other Orange County cities aren’t sharing the homeless load and demand they step up

Feb 26, 2018
‘National disgrace’: Community fights back as California overrun by homelessness, human waste, needles

Feb 21, 2018
Orange County Register
Santa Ana River homeless problem is getting solved, but doesn’t address the larger issue

Feb 19, 2018
L.A Homeless Problem Getting Worse - "Population would require more than 20,000 new units"

Feb 1, 2018
LA's Homeless Problem Is Out Of Control. And It's All Their Own Leftist Government's Fault. - The city's homeless population has surged 75% in recent years, and it's outpacing the city's ability to get it under control.

Mar 27, 2018
Los Angeles Times
Southern California has the resources to solve homelessness. It chooses not to

Mar 26, 2018
Battle over what to do about the homeless continues in Orange County

Mar 17, 2018
Orange County Register
California’s growing mental health and homelessness crisis

Sep 3, 2015
Solving homelessness is easy. So why don't we just do it?